Moglia Art Space


Photo by Vanessa Giorgis

Cristina Moglia

A Roman by birth, Cristina moved to Los Angeles when she was still a child. Her creativity initially expresses itself through photography, which she perceives as the most congenial and natural form of expression and this is how she experimented as a photographer's assistant from a very young age.
Subsequently she dedicates herself to painting with growing passion and it is precisely by using spatulas and colors that Cristina realizes she can communicate and give voice to her feelings, emotions and moods on a higher and more profound level. Her work is mainly the expression of an ancestral identity, which finds its unique and authentic realization when the work reaches the fullness and totality of completion. The works tell the vital experience of the artist in her continuous crossing through fleeting and turbulent moments, in the course of which symbols emerge that evoke ancestral and primitive atmospheres. Cristina pursues and chases, in her creation, the essence of the natural universe: consequently the artist is instinctively inclined to remove and subtract, to eliminate rather than add, until the moment in which her energies, almost exhausted, recognize themselves in a gestural and visual simplicity. Her technique consists in the use of a mixture of materials (plaster, vinyl glue and acrylic paint) which are "scraped" in the continuous attempt to read one's soul in order to reach and achieve a kind of spatial and metaphysical mysticism.
For Cristina, art is in continuous evolution and she continues her research, not only as a painter and photographer, but also as a video maker. She finds it exciting to explore and investigate the world that surrounds her, which exerts the magnetic and hypnotic charm of a mystery, an enigma that basically never wants to be completely solved, but prefers to remain suspended, lacking a comprehensive and satisfying answer. The incessant search is the moment of her supreme satisfaction.
Giuseppe Ussani d’Escobar
Art critic and curator
Rome, April 11 2023
"Aware that art is constantly evolving, Cristina continues her research, as a painter, as a photographer and as a woman."

Cristina Moglia

Photo by Federico Sisti

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